Hey guys! Sorry I didn’t post on Thursday--ended up being busier than I thought with trip prep and stuff--but anyways, here’s a plethora of...

Posts of the Week: 2.28.16-3.5.16

Hey guys! Sorry I didn’t post on Thursday--ended up being busier than I thought with trip prep and stuff--but anyways, here’s a plethora of excellent posts from around the blogosphere sorta-kinda as my penance.

Writing As A Superpower # 3: Tasting by Mrs. Shannon Dittemore. This has been a super cool series (which might be over? I’m kinda behind on these posts . :p), and I like this one especially because I actually have a lot of eating in my novels (most of my protags right now are teenage boys), and yet, I’ve never taken the time to truly describe what they’re tasting. *cracks knuckles* So yeah, I know one thing I’ll be working on pretty soon. ;)

Quotables: Quotes About Books by Ally. All of these quotes are GORGEOUS, but my favorite ones are the ones that describe books as a kind of  magic. Like, yes. I CAN WORK MAGIC, PEOPLE. That is kind of epic.

ACROSS THE UNIVERSE // Excuse Me while I Die of Happiness by Liz. In which Liz reviews the first book in one of my favorite sci-fi series. :D And thankfully does not actually die.

SWEPT TO SEA and My Problem with Christian Romance, Also by Liz. I don’t completely agree with her assessment of Swept to Sea, but she does point out a lot of damaging things that some authors may not even realize they’re doing. So yeah. I thought it was important to share.

The Greatest Artist of All Time by Koko. In which she shares a video by the great Jefferson Bethke about (as one can probably deduce from the title) The Greatest Artist of All Time.

Some Scattered Thoughts by Carlyn. Absolutely incredible. I don’t really know what to say besides that except you should read it. Yeah, that too.

We Write Books, Post 3: Storyworld by Mrs. Jill Willimason. Another cool series going on over at GoTeenWriters, and I’m semi-participating as I read through my NaNo project, The Wizard Apocalypse. It's been really fun to take just a few minutes a day and read through it and realize how much I still love it. <3

Why Do We Love Painful Books? by Cait. Funnily enough, I had actually been thinking about this recently, so it was especially cool to hear (or I guess read) her putting the reason into words.

Peace by Koko. So obviously all of Koko’s Christianity posts are gorgeous, but I read this one at the beginning of this week (remarkably timely for me) and this lesson just hit home harder than ever. <3

I Give Up (And Why You Should To) by Ive. A post along the same lines as Koko’s actually... (and I read it like right after Koko’s, so I guess God was trying to tell me something). Like Ive, I haven’t completely accepted this yet (my human nature is unnaturally stubborn), but I’m working on “giving up” too. :)

Why I Fear Being A Role Model by C. F. Barrows. I’m not sure how to describe this without giving stuff away, but trust me, this post is fantastic and relatable and such a brilliant reminder. So yeah, you should read it.

Tone Down But Don’t Water Down by Tori. This one is really old, but she linked to it in one of her newer posts and it’s still fantastic. Like yeah, completely excluding everything bad would leave a story unrealistic and boring, but there’s zero reason to beat the reader over the head with explicit wrong, and she gives a lot of great tips on how to avoid that.

I'll Take It by Heather. I really love what she says at the end, “Whatever the worth of the day may be, I’ll take it.” It can be difficult, I think, to do that a lot of the time, but it’s something that’s super important to learn, and I am so glad she wrote this. :)

Hope you guys enjoy these! Tell me your thoughts on some of the post, or if you’re participating in #wewritebooks, leave your premise (from week 2) or an excerpt from one of the other assignments in the comments below. :)

Quick Note: I probably won’t be back to posting for another week and a half to two weeks (though like I said before, I will try to schedule some ahead of time, but I don’t really know how well that’s going to work seeing as it really didn’t go too well this week. :p) Regardless, I’ll definitely be back in two weeks tops, and I can’t wait to share my experiences with you all.  :D

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  1. I really liked Liz's discussion of Swept to Sea just because it spoke to all my thoughts and feelings while I was reading it, too. Ooh, I haven't seen Ally's post, so I will check it out! And, also, thanks for sharing my post. <3 :) You're the best!

    1. Ah, that's understandable.

      YES, I hope you do! It is so good!

      No problem! And THANK YOU!!! <3 :D

  2. I have to go read some of these. I'm really tempted by Excuse Me While I Die of Happiness!

    1. I hope you do! And yes, that one's super good! :D


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