Hi! I'm Alexa, and you, you beautiful, wonderful, clever person, have stumbled upon my blog, Summer Snowflakes. It's named such bec...

Pay No Attention To The Girl Behind The Curtain

Hi! I'm Alexa, and you, you beautiful, wonderful, clever person, have stumbled upon my blog, Summer Snowflakes. It's named such because, like me, snow in the summer is unexpected, different, unique. And while I may manage to appear perfectly, boringly sane when company is around, trust me, I am not normal. 

But I'm OK with that now. ;)

On this blog, you'll find quite the myriad posts: some days, we'll talk about books and characters, others will be ships, every once in a while, I'll share music or something I've learned about my faith... Summer Snowflakes is just for me to spill my thoughts on ALL THE THINGS, so expect to see a little bit of everything on here somewhere. ;)

That in mind, take a look around. Like what you see? Follow buttons are on the sidebar. And if you like it so much you want more, you can find me on Verbosity Reviews, Pinterest, and Goodreads.
Hope to meet you in the comments section! Ciao!

Note: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated terms. In layman's terms, this means that some of the links (not all!) on this website are affiliates, allowing me to earn money if you buy from those specific links. You don't pay any extra, it's just a way for me to make a little money on my blog. :)


  1. Alexa! I love your blog! And thank you for always supporting The Write Things. I've nominated you for the Liebster New Blog Award - congratulations! Check out my post at http://cierahorton.blogspot.com/2014/06/liebster-award.html for more info and to post back. :)

  2. [You don't have a contact form, so I'll try to make a short comment. I've tagged you for #WatchMeWrite, an activity where authors record themselves writing and share it on the media. It's a fun way to talk about writing, if you choose to participate! For more information and more instructions on how to do it, you can check out my post on it here: http://semilegacy.blogspot.com/2014/10/watchmewrite-walden-bond-index.html]

    1. Thanks! I don't know if I'll be able to do that anytime soon, but it seems really cool!

  3. Hi Alexa! I found your blog via a link from Scribbling Sprite's Twitter account. So glad I checked it out! Love your book reviews. I will definitely be coming back!
    Amanda B.
    A blog and magazine written by girls, for girls.

  4. *squints*

    "But I'm OK with that now."


    Do you want to buy the Jonah plush toy?

    1. LOL. Sure!
      I'm so glad someone got that reference ;)

    2. Just stumbled upon your blog, and I think it's beautiful that you quoted that. Haha your whole blog is pretty beautiful :)

    3. LOL, thank you so much! Glad you understood the reference and like my blog! :D

  5. Good to connect, Alexa! Appreciated your comment on The Wishing Map!

  6. Hi Alexa! I tagged you for the Unpopular Opinion Tag (even though you just did a tag week so really I guess you might not. Anyway.) https://weavingwaveswords.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/unpopular-opinions-tag/ :)

    1. Thanks! I'm honored you thought of me! :D
      I actually did that one during Tag Week, lol, but if you want to check that post out, here's the link: http://thessalexa.blogspot.com/2015/07/tag-week-unpopular-opinions-tag.html.
      Thanks again!

  7. "While I may manage to appear perfectly, boringly sane when company is around, trust me, I am not normal."

    Pretty much sums up my life right there.

    1. Hahaha, cool! I'm glad I'm not the only one, lol

  8. I just found your blog through the sometimes I am a story tag. What a beautiful corner of the internet!

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! :D

  9. I love your blog name! And this blog is so pretty!!!!! XD

    I also love books... a lot! :D

    I'm really glad I stumbled upon this blog, and I look forward to reading more, because I can never find too many blogs!!!!

    -Gray Marie

    1. Aw, tThank you!!! :D

      Haha, yes!

      Yay!!! I'm so glad :D Thanks for visiting!!


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