Well, July is almost over, but I’m still going to try and get in one, last Christmas in July. I love the bells in the background an...

Well, July is almost over, but I’m still going to try and get in one, last Christmas in July.

I love the bells in the background and the whole ebb and flow of this song. I feel like this is another one that you can listen to anytime, and it’s still just as good, just as powerful as it was in December. Because now, in the summer, you’re no longer waiting for that day; it’s no longer “His name shall be,” but “His name is.” His name is Wonderful: capable of marvels in your life beyond any imagining. His name is Counselor: able to guide you and advise you in everything from the tiniest to the toughest decisions of life. His name is Mighty God: stronger than anything you will encounter in this entire world and in the entire course of your life. His name is Everlasting Father: always here, never absent, king of this always kind of love. His name is Prince of Peace: covering you in His stillness, supplanting your anxiety with His peace.

His name is Jesus, Immanuel: God with us. Right here, right now, today.

God is with us, no matter what.

And His name is Jesus.

One Adventure at a Time by Talya . She’s back home now, but this is such a fantastic message that I had to share it. 😊 In Seeking Perf...

One Adventure at a Time by Talya. She’s back home now, but this is such a fantastic message that I had to share it. 😊

In Seeking Perfection from Empowered Women Collective. Simply incredible this post. I especially love what she says under her definition of strong. So unexpected and so good.

Should We Include Other Faiths in Our Stories? From Rebellious Writing. A thought-provoking question with some solid argument behind it.

For the Love of Writing and Helga Schneider by Kim. A lovely reminder of how it can feel when you first start writing. I remember the freedom of those early stories…

My Top Five Favorite Series Endings and Why They’re So Satisfying by Victoria. Obviously, lots of spoilers in this post, but there’s also some fantastic writing advice and incredible endings. 1 and 3, though. *heart-eyes*

Well, that’s it for this week! What’d you think of the posts? Have an early story that you’d return to someday? Can’t wait to hear from you, and I’ll see you in the comment section!

Oh, also, there won’t be any posts next week since I’ll be studying for finals in my summer class and I’m working a few extra hours. Posts will resume the week after, though, on July 30th. See you then!

Original photo from Pixabay I sit down. I open my laptop. I rest my fingers on the keyboard’s home row. And I begin. Really, ...

Original photo from Pixabay

I sit down. I open my laptop. I rest my fingers on the keyboard’s home row.

And I begin.

Really, it just sort of happens. I have half an idea and no real plan; whether it’s a school project or a blog post or a novel, I just sit and I start and my fingers fly. Sure, it’s awful the first time around, but it’s a release and it’s a start and I know I can improve it later. I’ve got a basis, at least, a skeletal art to be fleshed out and dressed up into something snazzy.

Normally, there’s music playing. It can be any kind. At the time of this post’s first draft, it is Morning Passages by Philip Glass. Lovely piano piece; the video I’m watching has flickering, glowing flowers drifting past on the screen every time I turn my head to glance at my phone. Whatever plays, it’s always something inspiring: rock-hard, or rap-fast, or pop-free. It’s something that moves my mind and moves my brain, makes me think, makes me hope, makes me wonder. And those three together (the things that make me think, hope, and wonder), I think those are the reasons why I write in the first place.

When the first draft is finished, I step back. I wait. I let the project brew and mull it over in the back of mind. I wait at least 24 hours before I come back to it, but sometimes it can be as much as 24 days or 24 weeks; frankly, some projects are 24 months and counting, though I’ve yet to make it to 24 years. ;)

I always come back though. I must. If I spent long enough on it to create it, I will spend long enough on it to perfect it.

The big edits come first: I read through the whole project, calming my inner cringe with a bold over the problem and a note on the side: I’ll fix it later. Smooth this sentence. Make that clearer. What is even happening here? Figure it out. The first half of big edits is just a readthrough to see what needs to be fixed. To get an honest examination on my work and figure out what I need to do next.

The second half of big edits is the actual editing: I systematically and chronologically go through each bold, read the note, and fix the problem. To the best of my ability, just fix it. The full smoothing and perfect polishing will come later, but for now, I unbreak whatever’s broken and plan to improve on the issue later.

When that’s over, I do small edits. All the major problems are fixed, but there are still a few minor errors; complex grammar or clunky sentences that must be reworked, rearranged, and rewritten. I also call this the smoothing edit. All the rougher edges sanded down and evened out until the work is smooth all around.

Then I polish. Scrub that surface till it shines. Analyze that analogy. Is it really the right word? Read it out loud. Does it roll off my tongue? Envision the emotion. Does it sound like me? Because I’m a perfectionist, the polishing edit may happen two or three or more times before I finally declare the project done.

When it is perfect—or as close to perfect as I can make it or I run out of time—I post the work. Or I send it to my professor or to a would-be agent or publisher. Wherever it is that this work is destined, to there it goes. My little baby writing makes its way into the world.

Then I celebrate. I rest. If it was a big project, I watch YouTube videos and read books and eat ice cream and chocolate.

And then, I return to a blank Word document and start all over again.

For that is how I write. :)
How about you? Do you have a certain method for writing? A different style for different projects? I’d love to know your secrets, haha. Can’t wait to hear from you, and I’ll see you in the comment section!

It’s July and sometimes I’m cliché, so all of the Melodic Mondays for this month are going to be themed Christmas in July. Because why not?...

It’s July and sometimes I’m cliché, so all of the Melodic Mondays for this month are going to be themed Christmas in July. Because why not? It’s over 90 degrees outside right now, and I want to pretend it’s not. ;)

I love the grace and elegance of the dance in this video. Perfectly matches the rendition of this lovely Christmas classic.

Do you ever listen to Christmas songs out of season? Have a favorite that you feel can be listened to anytime? Can't wait to hear from you, and I will see you in the comment section!

So, I saw Infinity War last weekend. If I don’t post for the next 50 million years, don’t panic. It just means I’m still in mourning. ...

So, I saw Infinity War last weekend. If I don’t post for the next 50 million years, don’t panic. It just means I’m still in mourning.

Anyways, on to sharing the posts of people who have somehow managed to continue their lives after that catastrophic movie.

Holding Your Head High from Empowered Women Collective. The intro alone is on point, but really this whole series has been so inspiring and powerful! Check it out!

The Motherland by Talya. She’s back from the trip now, but still, I had to share this one. It’s so deep, the pictures are incredible, and the way she pulls the message together... I just love it.

On Being an Alien by Jessi. In which she shares some pretty interesting thoughts on relating to characters and fitting in in real life.

Inevitably Selfish, Loose Pain, and If a Guy Changes by Keturah. So good! I especially love If a Guy Changes: the mixture of hope and hard truth is perfect.

Ready, Set... Go Live Your Dream by Rachael. I love her Tangled references and the reminder that you can always find a new dream. 😊 (which I might need after Ininity War)
That’s it for this week! Which characters did you (or do you) most relate to in stories? Ever tried your hand at flash fic? Can’t wait to hear from you, and I will see you in the comment section!

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