It’s been a while since my Pentatonix kick... and somehow, I only shared one of their songs during it . I figured it was high time to brin...

Melodic Mondays: Save the World/Don’t You Worry Child: Cover by Pentatonix

It’s been a while since my Pentatonix kick... and somehow, I only shared one of their songs during it. I figured it was high time to bring them back.

Pentatonix is just so cool. I'm always amazed by their talent, the way use their own voices to make and mix sounds. This cover, for example: it's all epic and dubstep and electronic music—and it's 100% acapella. Pure talent, I tell you.

I’ve been thinking the last couple of days about the different stories I started and haven't had time to finish, but hope to get back to soon. The Supernatural Projects, a dystopian I wrote about 5 years ago, could definitely use this song: they're the only ones who can save the world (I mean, obviously, because it’s a dystopian), but more important, there are a lot of kids in there who just need to be told, it's gonna be okay. Don’t you worry, child. Heaven's got a plan for you. ;)

What did you think of the song? Have any characters who would fit right in it? Can't wait to hear from you, and I will see you in the comment section!

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