The other day, I was having a day where I really related to the first verse of this song. I had several things I needed to get done, and th...

Melodic Mondays: Strangely Dim by Francesca Battistelli

The other day, I was having a day where I really related to the first verse of this song. I had several things I needed to get done, and then I just wanted to have the rest of the day off after a long week, but things just were not working out the way I wanted them to. It wasn’t anything huge, just a couple of tiny things that crawled under my skin and itched at my brain until I was so absolutely done. And I knew none of these things were actually big enough to justify the emotional reaction I could feel on the rise (which only made the whole thing feel worse), so I was trying to hold it together... but the feelings were there anyway.

Then, as I was doing homework (one of the things that wasn’t going my way, haha), I decided to listen to Francesca Battistelli for the first time in ages. This song happened to come on... and it was exactly what I needed. :)

This whole story time just to say that if this happens to be a song you need today, if this meets you right where you are, I encourage you to seek His face. To remember all that He is, all that He’s already done, to be reminded that He has proven Himself worthy of your trust and that He is faithful to work even the tiny details out. He’s holding it all, and you’re never too insignificant, too little, or too annoying, because He loves you. He adores you. He wants you to seek His face, to not look around, and to watch everything else grow strangely dim. 😊

Have you ever had a song come on with just perfect timing? Tell me about the experience in the comments! Can’t wait to hear from you!

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  1. Yes.... so many times music really seems to relate. I feel Owl City helps me the most :D

    1. So true. Not a huge Owl City fan, haha, but I love You're Not Alone with Britt Nicole.


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