So, unexplainably, I went on a nostalgia trip over the weekend: I found a bunch of songs I listened to in my early teens—and I actually sti...

Melodic Mondays: All I Need To Be by Fireflight

So, unexplainably, I went on a nostalgia trip over the weekend: I found a bunch of songs I listened to in my early teens—and I actually still love them because obviously I had impeccable tastes. 😉This is one of my favorites.

This song is performed from the perspective of a Christian to the Lord, a lovely reminder that He has already done the required work in us: He has already done the work to clean our souls when we’re filthy, to make us whole when we’re shattered. Everything that needs to be done in us, He paid for it on the Cross, and now we just have to accept it and perform the daily task of walking in it. And it is a daily task, but I just love how this song reminds us that in Him, we are strong, we are righteous, we are whole. It’s not about what we can or can’t do, or some extra act we have to perform to make it to this righteous state, it’s about what Jesus has already done: taken our punishment, made us right with God, and thereby, spiritually speaking, made us all we need to be. 😊

Interestingly though, I also love the idea of the chorus being from one character to another, particularly a hero to a secondary character. I have this picture in my head of a hero experiencing a situation that just… shatters him, and he’s just sitting in a room with a loved one, feeling like he can’t fight another second. And as the tears start falling, he leans his head against the loved one’s chest and his plaintive cry becomes, “Tell me again that I’m strong. That I won’t fall. That I can actually beat this.” I’m developing an idea for a scene where this will actually work into one of my stories, and I’m mildly in love with it. :p

So yeah. Nostalgia is fun.

Anyways, what’d you think of the song? Have anything that goes along with it? Can’t wait to hear from you, and I’ll see you in the comment section!

PS: I know I’ve only talked about current events a couple of times on the blog, but Hurricane Irma has also been on my mind this weekend because I’m from Florida. I live in Virginia now, but I still have a lot of friends there and, while most of them have reported that they and their homes are safe, I’d really appreciate it if you keep Florida, the Caribbean islands, and the rest of the affected area in prayer/your thoughts. And, if you can, donate to a known charitable organization. Even a couple of dollars can make a huge difference. 😊

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  1. Fireflight has such beautiful music. Loved reading your thoughts on it.


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