I was listening to this song yesterday and thinking about my character, Jesse, trying to figure out his internal goal. As I got to the en...

Melodic Mondays: I Wish by One Direction

I was listening to this song yesterday and thinking about my character, Jesse, trying to figure out his internal goal. As I got to the end of the second chorus, I asked myself, “Who does Jesse see? Who has something Jesse wishes he had even if Jesse himself doesn’t know it?”

Before the end of the song, I had my answer. The short version: Jesse sees Kawaki, a secondary character in the story. Kawaki has the courage, the fire, the ambition that Jesse wishes he possessed, but he’s too scared to claim.

“I Wish” is also a good unrequited love song, if you’re looking for something along those lines.

What’s a favorite writing song of yours? And what’s your character’s internal goal?

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  1. One of my favorite writing songs is "Dream" by Priscilla Ahn. I ask myself, what does my character strive for - what's their dream and do they accomplish it? I'm not a huge One Direction fan so I don't even know "I Wish", but it leaves a great message!

    1. I just listened to the song Dream. She has a really pretty voice!
      Thanks for commenting!


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